Thursday October 28 7:00 PM – Thursday October 28 7:30 PM in Talks I

Spatial Analytics using Dask & Numba

Brendan Collins

Prior knowledge:
No previous knowledge expected


Spatial analysis at scale can become an increasingly cumbersome and slow process due to the increasing amounts of data involved.

This talk will use the Xarray-Spatial library for raster-based geospatial analysis to showcase how Dask and Numba speed up general-purpose spatial processing. Xarray-Spatial is extensible with Numba, scalable with Dask and does not depend on GDAL / GEOS.


  • Overview of PyData stack for spatial analysis: A highlight of some helpful Python libraries for geospatial analysis.
  • Highlight of Spatial Analytics using Dask & Numba: A brief overview of how Dask and Numba work in tandem to speed up common raster operations.
  • Overview of how Dask and Numba work with the Xarray-Spatial library: Real-time showcase using shareable Jupyter notebooks examples.