Thursday October 28 2:30 PM – Thursday October 28 3:00 PM in Talks I

Polars, the fastest DataFrame library you never heard of.

Ritchie Vink

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No previous knowledge expected


This talk will introduce Polars, a blazingly fast DataFrame library written in Rust on top of Apache Arrow. Its a DataFrame library that brings exploritory data analysis closer to the lessons learned in database research.

It's the library that puts python in top for OLAP queries. See the excellent query benchmark performances.


This talk will introduce Polars a blazingly fast DataFrame library written in Rust on top of Apache Arrow. Its a DataFrame library that brings exploratory data analysis closer to the lessons learned in database research.

CPU's today's come with many cores and with their superscalar designs and SIMD registers allow for even more parallelism. Polars is written from the ground up to fully utilize the CPU's of this generation.

Besides blazingly fast algorithms, cache efficient memory layout and multi-threading, it consist of a lazy query engine, allowing Polars to do several optimizations that may improve query time and memory usage.

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