Andrew Rutgers

Andrew is the CEO of ChargeSim a SaaS Simulation and analysis tool which helps plan EV chargers for fleets, cutting the costs to change bus and other fleets to electric. He started with electric vehicles racing solar powered cars, then moved on to solar-powered airplanes. He has built software throughout his career, including in C and Assembly for 8-bit microcontrollers for power electronics, C++ for image analysis during his PhD, Matlab for analysis tools, recently he has been working in Python and React and is Julia-curious. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and an MBA in Circular Economy. In his spare time he boulders, runs marathons and co-hosts the Tangible Computing Podcast


The journey from home-brew analysis scripts to a product

Friday November 12 10:55 – Friday November 12 11:30 in Planck Bohr