Friday November 12 10:55 – Friday November 12 11:30 in Planck Bohr

The journey from home-brew analysis scripts to a product

Andrew Rutgers

Prior knowledge:
No previous knowledge expected


Many engineers have directories of python scripts to help with their analysis. While these can be very powerful, they are rarely understandable, let alone usable, to anyone else. In some cases these can be turned into a product on their own. This talk will cover some of the challenges and approaches, including using AWS with Python Lambdas, React and other tools.



Most engineers dabble in programming, hate repeating things, and like optimising, so they usually have a few directories full of python or Matlab scripts to help them with their analysis. While these tools can be very powerful, they are rarely understandable, let alone usable to anyone else. But what if those scripts can be turned into a product? Andrew has built a few tools from own-analysis scripts into products for a wide range of users. He will discuss some of the challenges of building software for other people, and some of the approaches including using Lambda functions, API Gateway, React and a variety of other tools.