Conference Schedule

View past PyData event schedules here.

Tutorial Sessions — Friday Nov. 16, 2018

  Track 1 - Auditorium Track 2 - Room 100A
8:00 AM

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 AM Recreating, Understanding, and Visualizing FiveThirtyEight's Elections Forecast Matthew Brems, Joseph Nelson Building a Machine Learning Enabled Bot in the Cloud Jerry Hargrove
10:30 AM


11:00 AM Scaling PyData with Dask Jim Crist, Martin Durant Building a recommendation system from scratch Jill Cates
12:30 PM


1:30 PM Cleaning and Tidying Data in Pandas Daniel Chen Five Kinds of Python Functions Steven Lott
3:00 PM

Coffee and Snacks Break

3:30 PM Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup Monica Puerto Going beyond “Sorry, I didn’t get that”: building AI assistants that scale using machine learning Justina Petraitytė
5:00 PM

General Sessions — Saturday Nov. 17, 2018

  Production DS, Data - Auditorium Data & Analysis - Room 100A Fairness in AI - Room 100D/E
8:00 AM

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 AM

Opening Notes

9:15 AM The Business of Open Source Travis E. Oliphant
10:00 AM


10:15 AM Sell cron, buy Airflow: Modern data pipelines in finance James Meickle Inside Out -- Creating a Python Ecosystem for Analysis and Better Government Babila Lima Right Code, Right Place, Right Time Tim Hopper
11:00 AM Intake - taking the pain out of data access Martin Durant Tracking plasma flows at the solar surface with the Solar Dynamics Observatory Raphael Attie Webscraping Responsibly for Social Science Research Graham MacDonald
11:45 AM Avoiding Bad Database Surprises: Simulation and Scalability Steven Lott The First Notebook War Martin Skarzynski Detecting Racial Bias Eric Schles
12:30 PM


1:30 PM Skein: a simpler way to deploy applications on Hadoop Clusters Jim Crist uarray - Efficient and Generic Array Computation Travis E. Oliphant, Saul Shanabrook Measures and Mismeasures of Algorithmic Fairness Manojit Nandi
2:15 PM Task Failed Successfully Jeremiah Lowin Skorch - A Union of Scikit-learn and PyTorch Thomas Fan Machine Learning in the age of increasing Data Privacy Consciousness Sam Talasila
3:00 PM Single Page Apps: What an API Developer Should Know Alison Rowland Mining dockless bikeshare and dockless scootershare trip data Stefanie Brodie, Kiana Roshan Zamir Democratizing NLP content modeling with transfer learning using GPUs Sanghamitra Deb
3:45 PM

Coffee and Snacks Break

4:00 PM A Sailor's View of Python - And the idea of "Defensive Programming" Steven Lott
4:45 PM

Lightning Talks

5:30 PM

Social Event - Tysons' Biergarten, 8346 Leesburg Pike - Free Food and Drink

8:30 PM

General Sessions — Sunday Nov. 18, 2018

  Production DS, Modeling - Auditorium Modeling & Data Techniques - Rm 100A Visualization - Room 100D/E
8:00 AM

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 AM

Opening Notes

9:15 AM Using Data Science to Recruit Data Scientists Maryam Jahanshahi
10:00 AM


10:15 AM RESTful Machine Learning with Flask and TensorFlow Serving Carlo Mazzaferro A Brief Introduction to Hyperparameter Optimization Jill Cates Iodide and Pyodide: Bringing Data Science Computation to the Web Browser Michael Droettboom
11:00 AM Do Your Homework! Writing tests for Data Science and Stochastic Code David Waterman Probabilistic Programming in the Real World Zach Anglin Data visualization with Version 3 and beyond Jon Mease
11:45 AM Approaching AI in Banking Hussain Sultan Words in Space: A Visual Exploration of Distance, Documents, and Distributions for Text Analysis Rebecca Bilbro Making interactive visualizations easy, inside and outside of notebooks Julia Signell
12:30 PM


1:30 PM Accelerating Data Science with RAPIDS Keith Kraus, Dimensionally reducing data - squeezing out the good stuff Aabir Abubaker Kar Developing Dashboard Applications using Bokeh Luke Canavan
2:15 PM End-to-End Machine learning pipelines for Python driven organizations Nick Harvey Using Sockeye Neural Machine Translation in a Streaming Pipeline Jeff Zemerick Dash: data exploration web apps in pure Python Chelsea Douglas
3:00 PM Why do you have to make it so complicated? James Powell, Brandon Burroughs, Daniel Allan Graphs: Datastructures to Query Benjamin Ortiz Ulloa Beautiful, Interactive, and Portable Maps using Folium and Live API Data Ariel M'ndange-Pfupfu
3:45 PM

Coffee and Snacks Break

4:00 PM Learning from Machines Ashi Krishnan
4:45 PM

Lightning Talks and Closing Notes

5:30 PM

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