Co/founder and CTO of TuQuejaSuma. Entrepreneur and NLP Engineer, his drive comes from solving complex problems, interdisciplinary work and people interaction.
Lead data scientist en Rappi. Love to bridge the gap between Science and Business.
Computer Science PhD student at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Researching on user modeling on educational data from online platforms. Passionate about education, never missing the chance to spread the magic of Machine Learning.
Data Scientist at Mercado Libre.
Data Scientist and Machine Learning independent consultant.
Researcher at CONICET PyMC, ArviZ, and Bambi developer.
PhD student in Mathematics and university teacher.
Software Engineer graduated from the National Technological University. Working as a Machine Learning Engineer at Rappi. Co-lead of a developers community supported by Developer Circles program from Facebook.
Chief Research Officer at Invera Argentina. PhD Student.
Freelancer and Assitant Professor at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. PhD in machine learning applied to natural language processing problems. Main research interest is the use of semi-supervised deep learning techniques for information extraction tasks.
PhD Student at FAMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba working on visually-grounded dialogue.
Business Development director & co-founder of
We thank specially to our Program Committee members, who helped us review the proposals and build a quality event for all.