Martina Pugliese

Martina Pugliese

Martina is a Data Scientist at Mallzee in Edinburgh, where she crunches data about how people like and dislike clothing items. The fashion industry is an incredible gym to create and practice models on user behaviour, spot and predict trends. Coming from a background in Physics and after having done research on data science applied to the evolution of language to understand a little of why humans change the way they speak, she is now applying what she learned to understanding how fashion trends are born and evolve. Big Python enthusiast, she uses the full Python data science toolkit every day and she is always looking out for new libraries to master. She enjoys giving talks, reading, learning new algorithms, watching documentaries and playing the piano. She also has this dream of "data-sciencing" the musical scores of Chopin, her favourite musician.


Spotting trends and tailoring recommendations: PySpark on Big Data in fashion

Friday 12:15–13:00 in Hall 5