Photo of Max Klein, PhD

Max Klein, PhD

I am a recent addition to the core JupyterLab developers. I’m currently employed by Quansight to work on the maintenance and development of the JupyterLab ecosystem of open source software. Some of my recent work has included improvements to the theming system in JupyterLab (including adding themable icons and themable scrollbars), improvements to the virtual DOM package that JupyterLab uses, and the @jupyterlab/hdf5 extension.

I recently earned a PhD in computational biophysics from Johns Hopkins University. As a researcher, my driving goal has been to better understand how living cells emerge from the interactions of large quantities of inanimate molecules. Towards that end, my PhD work mostly focused on the development of methods for performing accurate stochastic simulations of large biochemical networks. Although stochastic simulation methods accurate down to the single molecule level have been previously established, they are so computationally expensive that even for relatively simple networks they can end up taking millennia of CPU time to run. For my thesis work, I developed a novel statistical method (descended from the family of Enhanced Sampling techniques) called FFPilot that can speed up a stochastic simulation by many orders of magnitude.


Working interactively with large and remote datasets in JupyterLab

Sunday 2:05 PM–2:50 PM in Track 1

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