Sunday 13:30–14:05 in Auditorium

Open-source City - Improving livability of the city using publicly available resources.

Maarten Sukel, Swaan Dekkers

Audience level:


The municipality works on innovative applications for a smart and live-able city together with businesses, knowledge institutions and the people of Amsterdam. The aim to share more and more data and code repositories openly for the public to use and build upon, and in this talk, we are going to provide insights from recent use cases in fields such as NLP, Computer Vision and Route Optimization.


More and more data is collected in the city everyday, this data can be a valuable asset to improve the quality of live of its citizens.

Panorama images, information about energy consumption, number of cases of infectious diseases -- you can find it all at And if you don't know how to process or visualize this data, you can get some inspiration from one of the many repositories of Amsterdam or by this talk at PyData.

But What can I do with all of this data?!, you are probably going to ask. Well, with some of it, probably nothing more than find the closest beach to enjoy the summer. Have you ever wondered where the best summer spots in Amsterdam are located? You can find the suggestions of Amsterdam's citizens here: And would you like to know the exact locations of all windmills in Amsterdam? No need to look for that any further -

However, the municipality has been working on multiple projects that you can benefit from as a citizen, learn from as a developer or simply get inspired by.

Analyzing citizens' requests, optimizing garbage truck routes, battling parking problems and discrimination -- these are just few examples of the applications that the city is currently working on in a collaboration with students from different institutions, including the University of Amsterdam.

In this talk, we would like to share with you more details about these projects, the approaches we have chosen and the resource we are using.

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