Elizabeth Wickes

Wickes is a Data Curation Specialist working within the Research Data Service unit of the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a co-organizer of the Champaign-Urbana Python User's Group (Py-CU, http://www.py-cu.org), and Software Carpentry instructor/fan. She is a graduate of Illinois's GSLIS program, specializing in data curation and analytics. Before donning her librarian costume, Wickes worked for Wolfram|Alpha as a Data Curator then Curation Manager. Blogging at www.elizabethwickes.com, she writes about teaching programming, outreach, book reviews, and lesson plans for the self-taught coder.


AutoDocish: Automated-ish Dataset Documentation

Sunday 2:00 PM–2:45 PM in Room 2