Saturday 2:15 PM–3:00 PM in Room 1

Fizz Buzz in Tensorflow

Joel Grus

Audience level:


Fizz Buzz is a ubiquitous, nearly trivial problem used to weed out developer job applicants. Recently I wrote a joking-not-joking blog post about a fictional interviewee who solves it using neural networks. After the blog post went viral, I spent a lot of time thinking about Fizz Buzz as a machine learning problem. It turns out it's surprisingly interesting and subtle! I'll talk about how and why.


Fizz Buzz is a ubiquitous, nearly trivial problem used to weed out developer job applicants. Recently I wrote a joking-not-joking blog post about a fictional interviewee who solves it using neural networks. After the blog post went viral, I spent a lot of time thinking about Fizz Buzz as a machine learning problem. It turns out it's surprisingly interesting and subtle! I'll talk about how and why. The talk will double as a nice introduction to TensorFlow.

Current thinking as to outline of talk: - Introduction to Fizz Buzz - Introduction to TensorFlow - Feature Selection - Fizz Buzz via Logistic Regression - Fizz Buzz via Simple Multilayer Perceptron - Fizz Buzz via Deep Learning - What I Learned About Fizz Buzz - What I Learned About Tensorflow - What I Learned About Machine Learning