Saturday 11:45 AM–12:30 PM in Room 1

It's Not Magic: Explaining Classification Algorithms

Brian Lange

Audience level:


As organizations increasingly make use of data and machine learning methods, people must build a basic "data literacy". Data scientist & instructor Brian Lange provides simple, visual & equation-free explanations for a variety of classification algorithms geared towards helping understand them. He shows how the concepts explained can be pulled off using Python library Scikit Learn in a few lines.


As organizations increasingly make use of data and machine learning methods, people throughout those organizations need to build a basic "data literacy" in those topics. In this session, data scientist and instructor Brian Lange provides simple, visual and equation-free explanations for a variety of classification algorithms, geared towards helping anyone understand how they work. He also shows how the concepts explained can be pulled off using Python library Scikit Learn in a few lines. The talk will cover SVMs, k-Nearest Neighbors, decision tree learners, and ensemble and boosting models and maybe more as time allows. He can also explain how to pick which method to start with, depending on your problem.