Kevin Prybol

Kevin Prybol is a research focused data scientist and is currently working on developing tools to provide personalized behavioral interventions in real-time. Kevin is also an "open source evangelist" that helped spearhead the creation of a specialized task force aimed at evaluating, prototyping, and ultimately deploying scalable open source data science solutions within a fiercely closed-sourced company. He has several years of experience with both R and Python but has increasingly integrated Julia and Scala into his daily workflow.

Kevin graduated from the University of Miami with a BS in Biology, trained in biostatistics and epidemiology at Georgia State University and briefly attended medical school before dropping out to pursue his true passion, using "big data" to improve healthcare outcomes. He currently works for Humana and has previously worked for Duke University Medical Center and N3CN.


Introduction to Zeppelin Notebooks and PySpark 2.0

Thursday 2:50 PM–3:30 PM in Room 1