Carol Willing

Carol Willing

Carol Willing is a Director of the Python Software Foundation, a core developer for Project Jupyter, and a Research Software Engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

She's also Geek-In-Residence at Fab Lab San Diego and co-organizes PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python. She’s an active contributor to open source projects, a maintainer for OpenHatch and the Anita Borg Institute’s open source projects. Combining a love of nature, the arts, and math with a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke and an MS in Management from MIT, she’s enjoyed creating and teaching others for over 20 years.

She recently spoke at Grace Hopper Celebration 2015, PyCon 2015, PyCon Philippines 2016, Write/Speak/Code 2016, and SciPy 2016.


Keynote: Data, Decision Making, and Being Human

Thursday 9:40 AM–10:20 AM in Room 1, Room 2, Room 3

JupyterHub: A "things explainer overview" [Carol Willing]

Friday 2:50 PM–3:30 PM in Room 1

JupyterHub: A "things explainer overview" [Carol Willing]

Friday 2:50 PM–3:30 PM in Room 1