Cornelia Levy-Bencheton

Cornelia Levy-Bencheton

Cornelia Lévy-Bencheton is a marketing communications strategy consultant and writer whose work helps companies reach their full performance potential.

Ms. Lévy-Bencheton has held senior marketing and strategy positions in well-known financial services firms and is currently on the Board of The Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI) and the Financial Women's Association (FWA). She earned her MA from Stanford University, an MBA from Pace University and holds several advanced certificates from New York University.

As Principal of CLB Strategic Consulting, LLC., her focus is on the impact of disruptive technologies, on cultural challenges, and tech innovation. She writes and speaks on big data and IT in financial services and gender and diversity issues in tech, data, and STEM, especially women as underrepresented in these fields.

Author of “Women in Data,” O’Reilly Media. @Bencheton


The Pain of Discipline and the Power of Not Yet

Monday 1:35 p.m.–2:20 p.m. in A/B


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