Tuesday 5:05 p.m.–5:45 p.m.

A survey of Python interpreters

Brett Cannon

Audience level:


Over Python's long history it has collected a large number of implementations, both active and abandoned (Wikipedia lists 10 implementations alone). This talk will go over the actively maintained implementations of Python, what makes them unique, and end with an unscientific performance comparison (both Python 2 & 3 interpreters).


Actively maintained interpreters

  • CPython
  • PyPy
  • IronPython
  • Jython

Interpreters under development

  • Skython?
  • Pyston
  • Pyjion

Interpreters that have ceased to be

Too many to list individually

Other ways to get a performance boost

  • Numba
  • Cython

Performance comparison

An exploration of performance using CPython's benchmark suite. Data will be made publicly available through a Jupyter notebook.


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