Wednesday 1:55 p.m.–2:35 p.m.

Blaze: An Interface to all the Things

Phillip Cloud

Audience level:


Many systems in the PyData ecosystem have different ways of spelling the same computation. Additionally, Python developers and data scientists often interact with systems that are fully outside of PyData land, such as relational databases. Blaze seeks to provide a uniform interface for interacting with these systems.


Many systems in the PyData ecosystem have different ways of spelling the same computation. Additionally, Python developers and data scientists often interact with systems that are fully outside of PyData land, such as relational databases. Blaze seeks to provide a uniform interface for interacting with these systems while maintaining compatibility and the ability to interact with systems that data scientists know and love such as pandas. We first give a high-level overview of blaze and how it works then show how one can use blaze to interact with a system that up to now has been difficult to interact with outside of dreaded string programming.


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