Tuesday 5:05 p.m.–5:45 p.m.

How do we know if it was hot today? Quantifying qualitative measures of weather

Michal Monselise

Audience level:


What we define to be hot, cold, rain, or snow is context dependent. This talk will explore ways to measure these subjective descriptors of weather using various tools in Python.


What we consider to be a hot day in Phoenix, AZ is different than what we consider a hot day in Seattle, WA and what we consider a snow storm is very different if we look at Atlanta, GA and Boston, MA. Quantifying these subjective measures of weather is very meaningful to marketers since we would like to find out what weather patterns trigger certain behaviors. This talk will use the Spyre package to visualize meaningful trends in the distribution of temperature and precipitation. Additionally, data sources like Twitter, Google Trends, and purchase history data will be explored in order to quantify how people feel about the weather.


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