Talks Tutorials Discussions
A/B | |
08:00AM | Registration and Breakfast --- |
09:00AM | Python as the Zen of Data Science Travis Oliphant , Peter Wang |
10:00AM | How Python Found its way Into Astronomy Perry Greenfield |
10:55AM | Memex: Mining the Dark Web Katrina Riehl |
11:50AM | The Future of Machine Learning Panel Discussion Andreas Mueller, Jared Lander, Julia Lintern |
12:35PM | Lunch --- |
01:35PM | The Pain of Discipline and the Power of Not Yet Cornelia Levy-Bencheton |
02:30PM | Julia for Data Analysis and Beyond Stefan Karpinski |
03:15PM | Break and Snacks --- |
03:30PM | New Project Features- scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib, & jupyter Andreas Mueller, Brian Granger, Jeff Reback, Michael Droettboom |
04:35PM | Lightning Talks --- |
05:35PM |
Due to the extremely high quality and large number of submissions for PyData NYC, we have created a Discussion Track featuring workshop-style presentations in two smaller rooms. This Discussion Track will take place alongside our regular talk & tutorial tracks.