Dimitry Foures

Dimitry Foures

Dimitry is a data-scientist with a background in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. After completing his physics undergraduate studies in ENS Lyon (France), he studied fluid mechanics at École Polytechnique in Paris where he obtained a First Class Masters degree. He has a PhD in fluid mechanics from University of Cambridge. His research comprised studying the role of norms in optimisation methods applied to fluid mechanics. His work furthered understanding of concepts such as transition to turbulence and mixing. After his PhD, Dimitry started working as a data-scientist for a smart energy startup based in Cambridge focussing on predictive algorithms for renewable energy generation. When not working, he is most probably rock climbing while playing the xylophone!


How “good” is your model, and how can you make it better?

Friday 3:55 p.m.–5:25 p.m. in Tutorial Room 2


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