Frank Kelly

Frank Kelly

Frank is a data scientist and he would like to live in world where large corporates, particularly those in heavy industry, are extremely data-driven. As a Cambridge-educated software and systems engineer with more than 10 years of experience, he has had the opportunity to work with Shell on remote and dangerous offshore oil production platforms, for Airbus UK modelling highly redundant fuel systems and in Scandinavia tuning precision dynamic positioning software onboard ridiculously large ships. He followed this with an MBA, focused on quantitative finance at a Spanish university. Frank has now found his niche working with Analytics SEO, in Twickenham and his current projects revolve around clustering of keywords, business data analytics, click-through-rate data segmentation and monitoring subtle changes in large data streams.


Hierarchical Data Clustering in Python

Sunday 2:10 p.m.–2:50 p.m. in LG5


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