September 19, 2023
12:00 - 4:00 PM
A discussion of programming language creators about
the past and future of language design.
Language Creators Charity Fundraiser
Ticket prices
General: $229
VIP: $389
Nonprofit/Startup: $99
Student: $75
Donations of $50 - $250 receives a limited edition t-shirt
Cinemark Lincoln Square, Cinemas and IMAX
700 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 310 Bellevue WA 98004
Event Summary
PyData Seattle presents its inaugural charity event. The event will feature the creators of C#, Java, Perl, Python, TypeScript, and Smalltalk in a conversation about programming language design.
The charity event brings together this unique group of computer science pioneers, unlike any event held before. These great minds come together for what will surely be a fantastic night of discussion as the panel delves into the past and future of programming language creation. The event will attract innovators and engineers from Seattle, the nation’s fastest-growing technology hub.
The event is a benefit for Last Mile Education Fund and NUMFOCUS.
Featuring Language Creators:
Guido Van Rossum - Python
Anders Hejlsberg - Turbo Pascal, C#, TypeScript
James Gosling - Java
Guido van Rossum - Python
Anders Hejlsberg - Turbo Pascal, C#, TypeScript
James Gosling - Java
About Last Mile Education Fund
The Last Mile Education Fund closes critical gaps in financial and career support for financially vulnerable underrepresented college students in the “last mile” to graduation, addressing both economic mobility and the diversity and talent crises in tech and tech-enabled industries. Launched in 2020, Last Mile has invested over $5.5M to support persistence and degree completion for 5,132 individual students, of whom an estimated 1650 have graduated. Last Mile grantees are 42% Black, 19% Hispanic, 15% White, 13% Asian, 2% Indigenous. 58% of grantees identify as women on non-binary. Learn more: www.lastmile-ed.org.
About NumFOCUS
NumFOCUS, whose mission is to promote open practices in research, data, and scientific computing. NumFOCUS accomplishes its mission by sponsoring open source software projects and organizing educational programs, events and initiatives in collaboration with the community.
Event Leadership