Saturday 3:45 p.m.–4:25 p.m.

Brains & Brawn: the Logic and Implementation of a Redesigned Advertising Marketplace (Sponsor Talk)

Stephanie Tzeng, Sal Rinchiera

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In this session, the AppNexus team will discuss how their algorithm, called the Offer Quick Test, has improved the online advertising marketplace. Using fine-tuned processes based on existing data and mathematical parameters, this algorithm allows for website owners to quickly and precisely test out each advertising offer and increase the ROI for all players in the marketplace.


In today’s online advertising marketplaces, how can websites determine which advertisers will be successful? One of the ways to monetize a website is by implementing Pay Per Click or Conversion advertising; however, this causes website owners to take on risk and potentially lose money.

In this session, the AppNexus team will discuss how to solve this challenge by quickly and effectively matching the advertisers and websites using an algorithm, called the Offer Quick Test. This algorithm involves fine-tuned processes based on existing data and mathematical parameters, making it an interesting data science as well as implementation problem.

Join Data Scientist, Stephanie Tzeng and Software Engineer, Sal Rinchiera as they explore these challenges to showcase how Offer Quick Test can increase ROI to the benefit of both advertisers and publishers. Learn how their in-house distributed work queue weaves data through a complex pipeline.


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