Meta S. Brown

Meta S. Brown

Meta S. Brown is a consultant, speaker and writer who promotes the use of business analytics. A hands-on analyst who has tackled projects with up to $900 million at stake, she is a recognized expert in cutting-edge business analytics.

She has conducted over 4,000 hours of presentations about business analytics, and written guides on neural networks, quality improvement, statistical process control, and many other statistical methods. Her seminars have attracted thousands of attendees from across the United States and Canada, from novices to professors.

Meta S. Brown holds a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Rutgers University, and professional certifications from the American Society for Quality and National Association for Healthcare Quality. She has served on the faculty of Roosevelt University and National-Louis University.


Keynote: CRISP-DM: The Dominant Process for Data Mining

Sunday 9 a.m.–9:50 a.m. in Main Hall


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