Friday 9:00 AM–10:30 AM in Room #220/219 (2nd Floor)

How to Build Your Own Self-Driving (Toy) Car

Ryan Zotti

Audience level:


I’ve spent the past 6 months building a self-driving toy car using a Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and TensorFlow. If you’ve ever thought about building your own self-driving toy car, this presentation will help you avoid common pitfalls and shed light on important tradeoffs that you’ll have to weigh along the way. I’ll cover things like how to parse images, how to effectively tune machine learning neural


Here are some of the things you'll learn about:

  • Getting started with the Raspberry Pi
  • TenserFlow and machine learning
  • Optimally tuning neural networks
  • Model training on AWS GPUs
  • OpenCV and Haar Cascades for object detection in images